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Let It Ride.
It’s crazy, you know? How so much can change in the way of perspective in one day, with one mind-blowing blowing conversation... Crazy...
Straightening My Crown.
I didn’t think it would happen to me. That someone would slowly set my heart free. I didn’t think that my walls could come down. I didn’t...
Never, Not Ever.
I never want to be a negative example. I want to be an inspiration. I never want to be the reason why someone feels stuck. I want to be...
When something new just comes along, do keep your guard up or do you play along? It’s so unexpected, not part of the plan. It startled...
Strength Is _______.
Strength is looking in the mirror and seeing flaws that are invisible to others, vividly visible to you, but loving yourself anyway. ...
I Write Because...
I write because I have a story to tell. I write to release my thoughts. I write to clear my head and talk myself through anything I may...
2018 was the birth of a whole new kind of life. I became strong in emotional and mental ways I never wanted or dreamed I would have to,...
Nothing is Chance.
You're kind of like friends but the love is gone and that's when you know that it's time to move on. The purpose was served...the how,...
Love is in your breath, and lives so deep within your soul. And you know without a doubt that you can never let it go. It feels like home...
Sometimes I really know what I'm doing and sometimes I don't have the first damned clue. Sometimes I really know there are people I can...
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