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Love is in your breath, and lives so deep within your soul.

And you know without a doubt that you can never let it go.

It feels like home and releases all your stress.

It's a stomach flutter sunshine kind of happy little mess. It's a thought first in the morning and before you close your eyes. It's a truth that's so eternal.

It's so strong it never dies.

It's not hectic, it's relaxing. It's a calm and inner peace. It's not angry, it's not bitter. It's the best kind of release.

It feels free, and like the sunshine.

It's an energy that's bright.

It's agreement and it's simple...

And it's never worth a fight.

There is no obligation... If it's true, then it is pure. If ever you are hurting, it's the realest kind cure. There's no regret, there's no "what if", just a certainty so clear.

If you grab it hold it tightly so it doesn't disappear.


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