You're A Gem, a True Genuine Soul

Updated: Oct 29, 2020

You see this and specific people pop into your mind before you're even able to think too hard about it.

You've always been a magnet for those in need mentally, emotionally or physically. They're drawn to you. They come and you take them under your wing, welcoming them happily because you have a soft heart. You're a helper, a fixer and you like to be a healer.


Something about you radiates those qualities and you become a form of comfort. You become the person they speak their deepest secrets to in confidence, and you protect those things with the most secure lock and key.

Maybe you feel a little blessed that they've come to you because you feel like it's part of your calling to fix them or to help them fix the broken parts of themselves.

Maybe you feel honored that you're trusted by them enough to know the things you know, see the things you see, and share the things you share.

Bonds stronger than a chain that can't be broken form and the closeness brings a very warm feeling.

You're a giver...damn, are you ever a giver...and they're very eager to be a taker.

It's a nurturing quality you have, and the quality of a sensitive.

You take on their pains as if they're your own and the level of empathy is like no other. You laugh when they laugh, cry when they cry, and maybe you're so in tune with them that you feel when something with them is off.

You're always in comfort and protect mode. That is who you are.


Maybe it's reciprocal and goes both ways but maybe as time passes, you feel like the balance of giving and taking is a little tilted.

Maybe they want to help you because you have struggles too, right? So maybe you confide in them as well. They seem interested and caring. Maybe the bond and the closeness is equally about you both because that's natural and that's fair.

What if it's not?

Are they taking more than they're giving? Are you giving more than you're taking?

Is it as much about you too, or is it always about them?

Do you begin to feel drained and exhausted because it is always about them?


You really are a lover and a helper, but sometimes they shut you out as often as they once opened up and let you in.

Sometimes they become cold and distant.

Sometimes they take their struggles out on you, and sometimes they turn things around. Suddenly, somehow, they've made you the asshole.

It hurts your feelings, makes you a little bitter and angry, and it leaves you feeling confused and pushed away or shut out.

All you ever wanted to do and tried to do was be their outlet, their safety net, their hope, their inspiration and a bit of their happiness but they make you the enemy.

You don't know how and you don't know why.


Is it selfishness? Is it narcissism? Is it cold-heartedness? Is it just who they are?

You didn't do anything wrong. You aren't a "bad one." They know that. They try convincing themselves that you are, but why? To minimize their own poor choices and actions that led to negative circumstances? Are they surrounded by so much negativity and selfish people themselves that they aren't used to someone actually caring unconditionally the way you do? Who even knows.

What you do know is that it's not cool and it's hurtful, so you feel frustrated.

These people stick to you like glue while they're getting what they need and when they're done, they're done. You're of no use any longer.

It's shitty.

They're shitty.

You're not shitty, so don't blame yourself.


If this is the cycle you've experienced, and no matter how badly it might hurt - stay true to yourself. It's tiring, I know. I've been there more times than I can count. It's a curse and a blessing rolled into one and why? For the same reasons it is for you...

You've been a helper, a fixer, a healer and a lover probably since birth. You're a gem, a true genuine soul, a nurturer and a lover. You're someone who should be kept and treasured because you are rare. Anyone, and I repeat anyone, who throws you away is simply and purely ignorant.

Don't stop being this kind of good person. The world needs more of you. Keep helping, fixing, healing and loving. Sometimes there are people who appreciate you and will stick to you like glue forever.

Those are the ones you've really touched, the ones who are healing, the ones who are reciprocating, and those are the ones who matter.
